Friday, 26 March 2010

Music Video! Pre-action sequence music.


  1. hey! my computer keeps blocking this, turned the firewall off but it's not done the trick =/ would you be able to maybe upload it to youtube or something and link me??

  2. Its on youtube man :) Just search "Harbingers Video" or search "BlackChristmas283" and look at my uploads :)

  3. thanks beau! i appreciate it:) will take a listen now x


    Thats the direct URL if its easier for anyone :)

  5. Hey! its very epic, im really liking it. i have to say my favourite parts of it is the intro to it, i visualised what its gunna look like! its going to be amazing. great work! my other favourite part is the opening for anastas, i think you really captured it well! I think the thing we need now is just to put the music with the rendered animations to see how well it works.
    good job matey!

  6. yeah i agree with ant it sounds wikikd, i just wonder if the transition from light for the solomon ink intro through to teh darker sounds for the hollenbaeur intro is a bit long or maybe a little bit lacking in variation of notes? but apart from that i love it and wanna see it on even crude renders!

  7. Thanks for the feedback guys :) Really happy you like it. Basically what I had in mind is that from when the music starts to 23 secs in, thats when the logo is appearing, so the actual "Transition" from the soloman logo to the start of the cinematic is literally a 2-3second fade into the opening shot. However, i'm quite happy to see how it looks over the renders and make slight adjustments where needed :)
